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But I Give Myself to Prayer

OCTOBER 12, 2013

/ Articles / But I Give Myself to Prayer

Be not silent, O God of my praise!  For wicked and deceitful mouths are opened against me,       speaking against me with lying tongues.  They encircle me with words […]

Be not silent, O God of my praise! 
For wicked and deceitful mouths are opened against me, 
     speaking against me with lying tongues. 
They encircle me with words of hate, 
      and attack me without cause.
In return for my love they accuse me, 
      but I give myself to prayer. 
So they reward me evil for good, 
      and hatred for my love. 
(Ps 109:1-5)

This morning in my time in the Word, this phrase caught my attention, “but I am a man of prayer” (Psalm 109:4b – NIV, yes, I still use my well worn NIV. . .).  We can only speculate as to what was going on in David’s life when he wrote this, nevertheless we get enough from the Psalm itself to see that David was feeling attacked by those around him, and isolated from God!

There were times in his life where David had to fear for his life as his enemies wanted him dead.  This however does not seem to be the case as this was not what we may call “stick & stone” attack, but a verbal one.  I love how David describes this verbal attacks.  They come from   “wicked and deceitful mouths” that “are opened against” him. Whatever is being said is not true as they are “speaking against me with lying tongues.”   

Verse 3 reminds me of how hyenas attack their prey.  They are a venerable foe as they work in packs chasing and taunting their victim until surrounded. Once the prey is encircled there is little hope of survival! David is “encircle{d} with words of hate” as one by one these “hyenas”  verbally attacked him with “without cause.” 

Sadly, it doesn’t seem like these are random “thug hyenas,” due to David being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but people he had befriended and loved.  The NIV puts it this way, “in return for my friendship they accuse me, they repay evil for good and hatred for my friendship.”

Encircled and under attack David gives us words of Grace that we all need to hear.  Rather than resorting to panicky vengeful attack, there is a quiet rest in the only One who is trustworthy, truly gracious, and can actually solve the problem.  The contrast from surrounding snarling verbal attackers to a rest in the Father through prayer is significant!  

My point is simple.  In life you will be attacked by friends and family.  You will feel isolated and misunderstood!   You will be encircled by “thug hyenas” who will attack, accuse and speak lies.  It will feel like God is silent!  Potentially even more threatening are the thoughts that condemn us.  Yes, we condemn ourselves when Satan convinces us that his lies are true! 

Please, please take up the precious gift of prayer, and boldly approach the throne of grace.  It is there you will find grace and a peace that is beyond human understanding!   And more then likely your Father will send the thug hyenas off howling in fear!

I don’t know what you are facing… but will you give yourself the gift of prayer right now?

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