Dee Coleman & Lindsey Holcomb – Samaritan Village
JANUARY 14, 2019
Sex Trafficking. It's a horrible problem with a surprising solution. Join Dee Coleman and Lindsey Holcomb on Steve Brown, Etc. to talk about it. What it is, how it happens and how to begin to stop it.
Sex Trafficking. It’s a horrible problem with a surprising solution.
Join Dee Coleman and Lindsey Holcomb on Steve Brown, Etc. to talk about it. What it is, how it happens, and how to begin to stop it.
Lindsey Holcomb is the communication coordinator of Samaritan Village, and co-author of Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault. Dee Coleman is the Executive Director of Samaritan Village, a residential crisis center for survivors of sex trafficking.