Lost & Found: Losing Religion, Finding Grace – Available Now!
FEBRUARY 20, 2017
Experience the freeing grace that only Jesus can give. More than a memoir, this new Key Life/New Growth Press book from Kendra Fletcher will help you lose your religion and find your value, worth, significance, hope, and identity in Christ alone.
Here’s what Steve Brown has to say about Lost & Found: Losing Religion, Finding Grace by Kendra Fletcher:
“Someone has said that the hard places of life will either make you hard and mean or drive you to Jesus. That’s true, but there’s more than that. Sometimes the dark will teach you about yourself, about God’s love, and about amazing grace. There are those who have been there and teach the rest of us what they found so we can find it too. That’s what Kendra Fletcher has done in a wonderful and refreshing way. As I read this book I cried, I laughed, and I sang ‘The Hallelujah Chorus!’ This is a book that just might change your life!”
Click the image below to visit the Key Life store and order Lost & Found. Click the link for your free chapter!