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Kendra Fletcher

Case Thorp

Dr. Case Thorp serves as the Senior Associate Pastor for Evangelism at the First Presbyterian Church of Orlando, and is the 39th Moderator of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. He also leads The Collaborative: for Cultural & Economic Renewal. Case is married to Jodi, and they have three beautiful children, Alexandra, Charles, and Brooks. They have enjoyed downtown Orlando as their home since 2005. Originally from Atlanta, Case is a pastor who has served in New Jersey, Texas, California, and Louisiana. Case also serves as the Made to Flourish Network co-director for Orlando, a faith & work network for pastors. Teaching is his passion. He teaches the Gotham Fellowship and the Orlando Fellows, and other seminars. He serves as adjunct faculty for Palm Beach Atlantic University and Reformed Theological Seminary. Case posts blogs on faith and work regularly for The Green Room Blog, and has been published in the Orlando Sentinel and the Wall Street Journal. He holds degrees from Oxford College (AA), Emory University (BA), Princeton Theological Seminary (MDIV), and Fuller Theological Seminary (DMIN in Missional Ecclesiology). Case enjoys time engaging the arts, urban design, politics, cycling and swimming, and both a NYT and WSJ in Starbucks.

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