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The Biggest Sinner

The Biggest Sinner

APRIL 1, 2024

/ Programs / You Think About That / The Biggest Sinner

God will either allow you to see the greatness of your sin or allow you to sin greatly…and then he will use you.

Jesus knew that Peter would be the central leader of the early church.

That’s why I called him the rock. Peter would be the one to whom everyone else would turn for wisdom. So, Jesus trained Peter.

You know how he trained him? He allowed him to be the biggest sinner of the bunch. When Peter knew about his own sin, then he was qualified to help other sinners.

God will either allow you to see the greatness of your sin or allow you to sin greatly. And then he will use you. AA says it takes a drunk to help a drunk. Pure people are hardly ever helpful to impure people.

I’m Steve Brown. You think about that.

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