A Sometimes Stumbling Life – Mike Khandjian
JUNE 4, 2018
For some of us, stumbling isn't an accident, it's a preferred means of locomotion. Self-help formulas can't fix someone whose self is the problem. The only hope is a Father who keeps coming after his children no matter how far they fall. Join Mike Khandjian on SBE for real life stories of God's relentless love from his new book, 'A Sometimes Stumbling Life.'
For some of us, stumbling isn’t an accident, it’s a preferred means of locomotion. Self-help formulas can’t fix someone whose self is the problem. The only hope is a Father who keeps coming after his children no matter how far they fall.
Join Mike Khandjian on Steve Brown, Etc. for real life stories of God’s relentless love from his new book, A Sometimes Stumbling Life: Making Sense of Our Struggles and God’s Grace in the Journey of Faith. Dare to believe that “God didn’t send Jesus to make us perfect but to make us his.”
Mike Khandjian is the Senior Pastor of Chapelgate Presbyterian Church, near Baltimore, Maryland.